When your child exhibits irresponsible behavior, it is a
sign that your child is overwhelmed, not lazy. You may find that you need to
make your child’s world a little smaller during the summer. We have learned
that not enough structure leads to dys-regulation, so put order in your child’s
life. It can be difficult, but when dealing with dys-regulation, you must look
past any chaotic present circumstances, and see spiritual understanding while
God’s divine plan for your family unfolds. You will find that order is restored
in your life, and in your relationship with your child. 2 Corinthians 5:16
says, “From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view;
even though we once knew Christ from the human point of view, we know him no
longer in that way.”
Ken Thom, MS, LPC is a
nationally recognized Christian counselor and writer. He is available for
parent and individual coaching. Ken is a Post Institute Certified Family
Regulatory Therapist, Certified Coach and Great Behavior Breakdown Instructor
as well as a certified BCI parent trainer. Ken's book Christian Parent Wisdom is
a daily scripture based medication book for parenting children with challenging
behaviors. Contact Ken.
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