Parent Wisdom is a scripture based, weekly encouragement for your walk with any child.
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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back to School Tip #6: Responding Rather than Reacting*

Here's a couple of basic stress model principles to remember when you find yourself reacting rather than responding to your child. Remember that you are reacting from your unconscious. You are coming from a place of fear rather than love. This is fairly simple to overcome. First of all, slow down and think. Allow you to take several deep breaths and relax. You can then connect with your child and help him regulate. Even after you react, you can stop and create the space to respond. Continue to do your own work around your emotional trauma so when it gets triggered you can respond rather than react. *Adapted from 10 Important Back-to-School Tips for Parents and Teachers - Heather T. Forbes, LCSW If you find yourself needing additional support and encouragement to advocate for your child, contact me for a FREE 30 minute phone consult when you subscribe to my weekly Christian Parent Wisdom and mention that you heard about this FREE offer though this blog on your subscription order. I offer more school strategies and resources in my July 2012 Love in Action Newsletter - Back to School Resources at

Summer Challenge - Sibling Rivalry

When siblings spend more time together there is usually an increase in sibling rivalry. This rivalry is their way of telling you they need more connection with you. It’s not about jealousy or envy. Let chicken represent available love. When there’s more mouths to feed at once, fear of starvation (emotional) sets in and each child feels afraid there won’t be enough chicken for them. Siblings then become a threat to each other. Take a deep breath and allow the Holy Spirit to help you cook up a little more chicken for the kids. Christian Parent Wisdom #28 - Abundant Life I celebrate life today with my child. We are refreshed through prayer. We are his creations and have a greater life and abundance through him. I came that they may have more life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10 Purchase Christian Parent Wisdom now @ and receive 30 minutes of phone coaching or a 30 minute spiritual consult for FREE when you mention you heard about this FREE offer though this blog on your purchase order.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Challenge - Meal Time

Summer challenge - meal time Increased physical and emotional activity causes dys-regulation of the brain’s appetite sensor. Even though your child “should” be hungry after a day’s activities, your child may not sense it or “feel” hungry until they are regulated. Help your child regulate before meals times. Use this as a time of emotional and spiritual connection. Pray with your child. Christian Parent Wisdom #35 - Prayer I model an attitude of gratitude for my child. Together, we give thanks in prayer for all we have and all we experience. Our lives become a prayer walk with God. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1Thessalonians 5:16–18 Purchase Christian Parent Wisdom now @ and receive 30 minutes of phone coaching or a 30 minute spiritual consult for FREE when you mention you heard about this FREE offer though this blog on your purchase order.