we are dealing with a broken heart or broken spirit, sometimes our friends, in
their humanness, fail us. Our pain is too great for them, but it isn't too
great for God. He sees our hurt and He cares and meets us where we are. (Psalm
51:17) God heals problems. (Psalm147:3)

provides for us a safe place, a place where the fear of healing will not drive
us away. We can receive healing. Psalm 57:1 (NIV): “Have mercy on me, O God,
have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the
shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.” He restores my soul.
(Psalm 23) God mends broken hearts. God mends broken dreams.
provides us with counsel for the journey. John 14:1-3 (NIV): "Do not let
your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house
are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to
prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”
purposely included a lot of scriptures for your reference. Choose these or
others that speak to your heart. Use them to stand on when the journey gets
overwhelming. I encourage you to read the entire fifth chapter of Mark. It is
very encouraging and will strengthen your faith.
believe that a significant part of our healing comes from telling our story.
Everywhere Jesus went he told a story. His stories were usually parables. He
also spoke the word of God. Each scar you have has a story. That story can help
others heal. Be brave and tell your story to someone: a pastor, a therapist, or
a counselor. Let a professional support and encourage you as you work to mend
your broken heart.
Ken Thom, MS, LPC is a nationally recognized Christian counselor and writer.
He is available for parent and individual coaching. Ken is a Post Institute
Certified Family Regulatory Therapist, Certified Coach and Great Behavior
Breakdown Instructor as well as a certified BCI parent trainer. Ken's book Christian Parent Wisdom is a daily scripture based medication
book for parenting children with challenging behaviors. Contact Ken.