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Sunday, July 26, 2015

See Children's Behavior Differently

The world tells us that negative behaviors are the way that children try to manipulate and control us, and that we should punish these actions. We must learn to look past a child’s negative and challenging behaviors, and shift our paradigm to see these behaviors as the child’s communication for connection with you. We must free ourselves from the ‘shoulds’ of the world. This will be challenging, but we must think about how God allows our negative behavior and waits for us to talk with Him. John 8:36, says “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Ken Thom, MS, LPC is a nationally recognized Christian counselor and writer. He is available for parent and individual coaching. Ken is a Post Institute Certified Family Regulatory Therapist, Certified Coach and Great Behavior Breakdown Instructor as well as a certified BCI parent trainer. Ken's book Christian Parent Wisdom is a daily scripture based medication book for parenting children with challenging behaviors. Contact Ken.