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Saturday, September 10, 2011

test blog

What Does Anger Have to do with Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is an event, not a process. In this process, anger is the starting point. If you don’t believe you’re angry, then how do you identify your anger? I suggest that people pay attention to their bodies. Anger symptoms can be experienced physically. Headaches, sweaty palms, dizziness, getting red-faced, stomachaches and grading your teeth are a few physical symptoms. Emotionally you may feel like running away, feel guilty and resentful, lash out, become anxious, or get depressed. Anger may be expressed through your behavior. Substance-abuse, sarcasm, withdrawal, yelling or screaming, and any form of physical or verbal abuse may be signs of anger. Resentments are part of our anger. We carry resentments around with us for a number of reasons. Living with universal criticism, always being put down, and never being good enough fuel resentments. Being discounted and not having our feelings validated are another source of a resentments. Other sources of resentments are: sibling comparisons, comparison to another relative, any kind of abusive touch, being expected to know how to do things without being taught, not being allowed to make mistakes, and body shame. If you are still struggling with this, I recommend taking additional help. There are many tools and books to help you with this. It is imperative to own and understand your anger and resentments. This is your truth. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to initiate a healthy forgiveness process. Remember this is a process. Become honest with yourself as you can. This may be a painful process. Read complete article on forgiveness at

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Workplace Ministry

Labor Day, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Obviously, our work and our labor are important to us because that’s how we provide for our families. As Christians, we need to place additional importance on our workplace. I’ve heard it said many times the workplace is the largest untapped mission field for Christians. I believe that myself. We easily spend 40+ hours a week at our jobs or careers. Our office or our factory needs to be looked at as our church. Our employees are our congregation. If you’re a student, then your mission filed is your campus. Now I realize that many of you may work in environments are not conducive to actually speaking the word of God. In some cases, like schools, it may be strictly prohibited. Our actions, attitudes, and behaviors can speak louder than words. We can demonstrate Christian principles and thus spread the word of God by example. Matthew 7:20 says “Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” There also may be opportunities for you to actually verbally witness to fellow employees. We are outlets for God working in and through us. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your might” Ecclesiastes 9:10. Some of you may feel that you’re not ready for this. I totally understand that. You would think, that as a counselor, it would be easy to witness to my clients. After all, I have a captive audience. My platform is already set for “giving advice” and talking to people. I have to admit that for me it wasn’t that easy. When I decided to be a Christian counselor verses a counselor that is a Christian, God told me I wasn’t ready yet. Find out more about my story of being transformed into a Christian counselor in this exclusive interview with Bryan Post. Go to my website and get a copy of my CD, Spiritual Connection.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

More on Forgiveness

I ask people to not shut the door on forgiveness. I’m convinced many people think they just can’t forgive. If this is their reality, then I try to move them closer believing forgiveness is possible. A word search finds 136 references to forgive or forgiveness in the NIV Bible. This many references tells me forgiveness is an important concept. Especially when it appears in red ink. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13. I believe we need the mercy and grace of Jesus to forgive those things that have hurt us the most. By ourselves, we don’t have it in us to forgive at that deep a level.

Find out more about forgiveness in my August, 2011 Love in Action Newsletter